Beach Buggy Racing Wiki
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In beach buggy racing,there is 2 modes of playing:

Single Player[]

dosent require anything,just click play and choose one of the following:


Is the main classic single player mode,it contain series',every series have a unique name,and each tow series' have its engine class,for example,when you finish the second 100HP series(coconut cup),the next series is 250HP,so before opening it,you must upgrade your current car to the next series HP class.

for the series' names,see:Drivers

The playing way is easy,choose a car,a driver,do necessery upgrades,enter a series,and...GO AHEAD!


Champion Ship is little different to career,it have no series nor events,but a list with all the cars,bought or not,when clicking on car,if not bought,it dont open,but a message "would you like to buy this car for < cost >?" appear,if bought,an engine classes screen will appear,you must start with 100HP.

